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      Wednesday, April 27, 2011

      Little Known Tips for Buying Auto Insurance

      Little Known Tips for Buying Auto Insurance

      Do you need help buying auto insurance? Do you feel that this process is too much to handle on your own because of all the information and people who are involved? If so, you can find help in many ways. There are quite a few tips that can help you find the right policy, while also making you feel better about the moves you are making. Don't feel that you are alone when buying auto insurance coverage; this is never the case unless you want it to be.
      Here are three tips for buying auto insurance:
      1. You are not limited to the number of quotes that you receive. This is not something that many people realize. They know they can receive quotes, but for whatever reason they stop short of getting everything they need. You can receive as many auto insurance quotes as there are available.
      2. The auto insurance company you have now may not be the best. Even if you have relied on them for many decades you need to realize that buying from somebody else could be the answer to all your troubles. Things change over the years, and you need to go along with the industry to ensure that you do not get left behind.
      3. What a auto insurance company tells you to buy may not be in your best interest. They want you to purchase the best of the best so they can make money off of your business. This is understandable, but you should not fall prey. Instead, buy the coverage that you want and can afford and let your auto insurance company worry about how to make money off of somebody else.
      These three tips are often times overlooked, but perfect for anybody who needs to buy auto insurance.
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      What does it mean to compare Car Insurance Policies?

      What does it mean to compare Car Insurance Policies?

      It is easy to say that you are going to compare car insurance policies because it is the "right thing to do.' But what does this really mean? If you are unsure of how to compare policies you are not going to make much progress. And even if you do, the information you collect may not be able to help you make a better decision. Once you know what it means to compare car insurance policies you can take the right steps and eventually make a final decision.
      What you compare is up to you. But you do want to make sure that you are comparing the proper information. For instance, you always want to look at the cost of car insurance. When doing this, make sure that the two policies are similar in terms of coverage. In other words, you cannot compare the price of two opposite coverage levels and expect to find much.
      You also want to compare the car insurance companies. You should look at their selection, overall value, and customer service. Some people will spend a bit of extra money if it means buying from a company that is head and shoulders above the competition in the area of customer service. Getting your questions answered on time in an accurate manner is very important to most consumers. How do you rate each car insurance company in this department?
      This information should give you a good idea of what it means to compare car insurance policies and companies. Make sure you compare as many details as you can, and only make a decision when you are confident in doing so.
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      Reasons to Change Car Insurance Companies

      Reasons to Change Car Insurance Companies

      Believe it or not, your car insurance coverage may not be the best of the best. In fact, it may not even be what you want. If you are thinking about changing car insurance companies you need to have a good reason for doing so. Fortunately, there are several good reasons to change providers. If one of them works in your favor you should consider quickly making a change to ensure that you get what you want.
      There are two common reasons for changing car insurance companies. One, you are not getting the coverage you want any longer. For instance, you may have found out that what you currently have is not keeping you and your car safe. In this situation there is no reason to stay put. Instead, it is time to make a change for the better. Remember, you can always get more car insurance coverage if you are willing to change.
      Another common reason for change is cost. If you are paying too much for car insurance coverage, no matter what it may be, you will have to make a change. While it is important to get the right coverage you must also be sure that you can afford what to pay your premium. Are you comfortable with the current cost of your coverage?
      There are some reasons to change car insurance companies. Do any of them fit your situation? If so, it is a good idea to consider making a change so you can feel better about your coverage. It is easier than you may think to change from one car insurance company to another. All you have to do is decide that you want to change and then take the initiative.
      visite this link Her

      Don't Worry: Tips for Communicating with your Auto Insurance Company

      Are you worried about how you will get in touch with your auto insurance company if you have a question or need to make a claim? This is a common concern, especially among consumers who are unsure of whether or not their auto insurance company offers good customer service. In most cases, there are many ways to get in touch with your auto insurance company. This is true no matter if you need to file a claim, ask a question, or pay your premium.
      One of the best tips to follow is this: if you have an immediate need you should call your auto insurance company and/or agent on the phone. There is no time to wait around for a return email, so you should do yourself a big favor and call your company. The quicker you ask your question the quicker you will get an answer. And when you are dealing with a serious situation, such as making a claim, you never want to waste any time.
      Of course, this does not mean that you should overlook communicating online via email or live chat. If your auto insurance company offers either option you should think about taking advantage if you would rather communicate in one of these ways. If you have a basic question, maybe about a particular type of coverage, you could easily send your auto insurance company a message via live chat and quickly get an answer.
      You can use all of this information when communicating with your auto insurance company. If you have an urgent need making a phone call is your best option. If you are not in a hurry or don't need to speak with a live body, consider both email and live chat.
      visite this link Her

      Don't Call Car Insurance Agents, Use the Internet

      Don't Call Car Insurance Agents, Use the Internet

      Are you the type of person who likes to call your car insurance agent no matter what type of question you have? This may be a good idea in some cases, but when you are searching for a new (and better) policy you need to use the internet instead. Speaking direct with agents is only going to make things more difficult on you. Although you may feel alone when you start, shopping for and buying car insurance online almost always ends with a smile on the consumer's face.
      How can I use the internet? There are two answers to this question.
      To start, you can use the internet to learn more about car insurance and what you should be buying. Do you have a question about a specific type of coverage? Do you want to buy from a particular company but are unsure of what they offer? The internet can give you all these answers, plus many more.
      Secondly, you can receive car insurance quotes online - and this means more than a couple. With the help of the internet you can have five or more quotes sent to you within a matter of minutes. This is a crucial aspect of finding and buying the right car insurance policy.
      Why waste your entire day on the phone speaking with car insurance agents and brokers? If you want to buy a new policy you should research the industry on your own, narrow down your options, and make a final decision when you are ready to do so.
      Even if you are not internet savvy, you can still find and buy a solid car insurance policy online.
      visite this link Her

      Consumers Drive Certain Insurers to Success

      Consumers Drive Certain Insurers to Success

      A recent survey from Market Force Information indicates consumers have been highly satisfied with their auto insurers over the past year, viewing Allstate, State Farm and Geico as the leading reputable auto insurance providers.
      The survey shows Allstate and State Farm nearly tied for insurers with the best reputation with each garnering some 21 percent of the votes. Geico placed third at 14 percent, with USAA and Progressive each capturing 6 percent to tie for fourth place.
      When questioned which insurer is doing the top job communicating its value to consumers, Geico outscored all others by a large margin. Four out of 10 consumers selected Geico, followed by Allstate, Progressive and State Farm, with 22%, 17% and 11%, respectively.
      A main driver for satisfaction with auto insurance providers is how they process claims, according to the survey. Of the 18 percent of survey respondents who noted filing a claim with their auto insurer in the last year, 85 percent indicated they were satisfied with the means whereby the claim was processed.
      The report goes on to show that more than three out of four consumers replying state they viewed an auto insurance advertisement in the last two months, and the majority (93 percent) claimed to have seen the ad on television.
      Awareness of advertising seemed to be a major motivator among consumers who thought about switching providers.
      One quarter of the study participants who indicated they thought about switching to a different insurer had looked into another insurer based on an ad they witnessed.
      When asked why they selected one auto insurance provider over another, some 59 percent indicated their decision was focused on cost. The ability to get full services from one provider played a major role as well, with 27 percent noting it.
      Two-thirds of consumers surveyed noted that they get other forms of insurance from their providers. Other factors influencing the choice process included recommendations from friends along with the financial stability of the insurer.
      Ten percent of consumers actually changed insurers in the last year, mostly due to the facts of service and fee/rule changes. Twenty-five percent noted they may a switch due to being unhappy with the service given them, and 20 percent switched because their provider put in place new fees/rules that adversely impacted them. Of those who changed providers, 74 percent went to providers who offered better pricing.
      The pool of 2,800 respondents ranged from ages 18 tp 72, with 53 percent noting incomes of more than $50,000 a year.
      If you are looking for new auto insurance, be sure to get multiple quotes and do your research before purchasing.
      visite this link Her

      Find the Best Car Insurance Online

      Find the Best Car Insurance Online

      Some consumers turn to an agent at the first sign of needing a new car insurance policy. You can do this and have success, if you get in touch with the right agent. Of course, if you just call around, hoping to find the right agent, you could end up making a mistake. You do not want to buy a policy from an agent just because he says that his deal is the best. How do you really know for sure if he is telling the truth?
      To find the best car insurance you need to shop online. When you use the internet it is easy to not only receive quotes, but to also make sure that you are not getting duped by any "fast' salesman. You are in charge of the entire process, start to finish, and have the ability to work at your own pace. There is nobody pushing you along, telling you that you have to make a certain decision.
      When shopping online you still have to do a lot of work, though. In other words, you should not expect the internet to do everything for you. Instead, you need to supply your contact information, receive quotes, compare them, and then speak with an agent when you are ready to make a final purchase. While this is an easier way of doing things, it is not an easy way out. If you want to get the right policy you still have to do some work.
      In closing, those who end up with the best car insurance coverage usually start out by shopping online. Are you going to use the internet or tempt fate and go with another method?
      visit this link Her

      Avoid Renting Trouble without the Proper Auto Coverage

      Avoid Renting Trouble without the Proper Auto Coverage

      You are driving for business or pleasure and you are involved in an accident with your rental car. Are you covered?
      While properly insuring a rental car can seem confusing, frustrating and even daunting at times, it is the way to go to avoid being driven to financial problems.
      As it turns out, many consumers do not even consider car rental insurance until they approach the counter. That simply leads to the opportunity of either wasting money by acquiring unneeded coverage or having major gaps in coverage.
      Prior to renting a car, the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) recommends that drivers take care of several steps in order to acquire the necessary insurance so that their trip goes smoothly.
      First, find out how much coverage you presently have on your own vehicle. In many cases, whatever coverage and deductibles you have on your own vehicle would apply when you rent a car, providing you are using the car for recreation and not for business.
      In the event you have dropped either comprehensive or collision on your own car as a means to lessen expenses, you will not be covered if your rental vehicle is stolen or damaged in an accident.
      It is important to determine whether your insurer pays for administrative fees, loss of use or towing charges. Some insurers may offer an insurance rider to cover a portion of these costs, thereby making it less expensive than acquiring coverage through the rental car company. Remember, however, that in the majority of states diminished value is not covered by insurance companies.
      When at the rental car counter, note that since insurance is state regulated, the cost and coverage will differ from state to state.
      In many cases, consumers can choose from a number of coverages:
      Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) is not technically an insurance product, but they do relieve or "waive' renters of financial responsibility should their rental be stolen or damaged. In many cases, waivers also provide coverage for "loss of use,' in case the rental car company charges for the renter for the time a damaged car isn't permitted to be used since it is being fixed. It may also cover towing and administrative fees.
      It is important for drivers to remember that waivers can become void should the accident be the result of speeding, driving on unpaved roads or driving while under the influence of alcohol. For those drivers who already have comprehensive and collision coverage on their own car, they should check with their personal auto insurance company to determine if they are duplicating coverage or not.
      As the law states, rental insurers' have to provide the state required figure of liability insurance. Typically these amounts are minimal and do not provide much coverage. For those drivers who have adequate amounts of liability protection on their own car, they may want to look into forgoing added liability protection; supplemental insurance usually costs from $7 to $14 a day.
      Another option is an umbrella policy, which may be more cost-effective. These types of policies are usually sold in increments of a million dollars, cost as little as $200 to $300 annually for a million dollars worth of coverage and another $50 to $100 for each added million.
      For those individuals who do not own their own vehicle and rent cars frequently, they can also look at acquiring a non-owner liability policy.
      This will not only provide liability protection when one rents a vehicle, but also when they use someone else's car.
      Another option is personal accident insurance which provides coverage for the driver and their passengers for medical and ambulance bills for injuries caused in a car crash.
      There is also personal effects coverage that provides insurance protection for the theft of items in the vehicle. For those drivers who have a homeowners' or renter's insurance policy that includes off-premises theft coverage, you are typically covered for theft of your belongings outside the home, minus the deductible. Should you purchase this coverage through the rental car company, it typically costs between $1 and $4 a day.
      For those individuals who frequently travel with costly items like jewelry, cameras, musical or sports equipment, it can be more cost-effective to acquire a personal articles floater through your homeowners' or renter's insurance policy.
      By having such a floater, your valuable items are protected at home along with when you are traveling anywhere in the world, plus the coverage is broader.

      Auto Insurance Glossary

      Auto Insurance Glossary

      When shopping for auto insurance you will want to be familiar with the terms listed below.  They will help to ensure that you get the best possible deal.
      Auto Insurance: Auto insurance will cover you against several types of accidents.  The types of auto insurance that you can buy include comprehensive and collision, bodily injury liability, property damage liability, and medical payments.
      Bodily Injury Liability: This will protect you legally in the case of injury or death to another party due to an automobile accident
      Collision: This part of auto insurance covers your vehicle in the case of an accident with another car or object.
      Comprehensive: This segment of auto insurance covers your vehicle in cases of theft, fire, or an act of vandalism. 
      Deductible: This is the amount of money that you have to pay before your auto insurance company takes on the remainder of the bill.
      Medical Coverage: This part of auto insurance will cover the medical costs of any passengers in your car, or your own medical costs if you are driving a vehicle that is not your own.  May also include funeral costs.
      Premium: The amount of money that is paid to remain on an auto insurance policy.
      Property Damage Liability: This portion of your auto insurance covers damage to another’s property in the event of an automobile accident.
      Vehicle Identification Number: This is also know as a VIN number, and is used to identify a particular car by make, model, and year.

      Cheap Auto Insurance Achieved Through Comparison

      Cheap Auto Insurance Achieved Through Comparison

      When you go on 2insure4less.com, rest assured that the process is quite simple.
      Consumers can get a cheap auto insurance quote by completing a form that just requires basic information on the applicant and their vehicle.
      The real-time auto insurance quotes are a great way for consumers to find a plan that best suits them.
      Q: What do I get once I fill out a form?
      A: Once the consumer fills out the form, be it for cheap auto insurance or another coverage they only have to click the "Get My Quotes' button. That button leads to a search for referrals from more than one agency selling plans online and/or through a visit to their office in the relevant state of residence.
      The auto insurance quote is then either approved or turned down by the consumer, leaving them to make the next move.
      Q: How does 2insure4less.com utilize consumer information?
      A: We take consumer privacy very seriously. Read our privacy policy for complete details on how 2insure4less.com uses consumer information.
      Q: What else can 2insure4less.com do for me?
      A: Those who visit 2insure4less.com for an auto insurance quote or other coverages will also see the company offers a free iPhone application, Insurance Shopper.
      Insurance is there to protect consumers whenever they need it.
      Just like insurance, 2insure4less.com is there to protect consumers and make sure they are covered.
      Could it be any easier than that?

      Auto Insurance Quotes Deliver Savings

      Auto Insurance Quotes Deliver Savings

      For those consumers whose need is auto insurance quotes, 2insure4less.com can put them in touch with agents selling cheap auto insurance in their state. The quotes provide both quality and savings, especially for drivers who have to file claims.
      When consumers come to 2insure4less.com, we give them numerous insurance quotes that provide them with options to compare against competitors. When one is done comparing, they will see that the quotes are affordable and the best around.
      Throughout the insurance quoting industry, 2insure4less.com is known for providing dependable auto insurance quotes, along with rates for other low cost insurance needs.
      The policy one will eventually choose to buy is one that will insure them and/or their family, so find solutions that work for everyone involved.
      Keep in mind that the cheapest plan is not always the best, but 2insure4less.com works hard to find consumers companies that provide reliable insurance quotes offering both protection and savings.
      Q: What makes 2insure4less.com unique?
      A: As previously noted, if auto insurance quotes for one's vehicle are not what they need, 2insure4less.com can put them in touch with more than one agency that offers different coverage areas.
      Even though there is obviously no such thing as a free insurance policy, using 2insure4less.com is a great way to secure an insurance quote that places individuals with a broker who can fit their plans.
      2insure4less.com was created in 2004 to provide consumers with affordable insurance quotes. To this day, we have provided countless individuals with free insurance quotes that make shopping and comparing rates a relatively easy experience.

      Saturday, April 23, 2011

      How to Sell Insurance

      How to Sell Insurance

      If you are looking for information on how to sell your life insurance policy, go to my article on life insurance settlement. It will give you information on selling life insurance to investors for quick cash.
      Learning how to sell insurance is not very difficult to do, even though the actual doing of it can be hard work just like any other worthwhile money making endeavor. Selling insurance can be a very lucrative business and will give you the ability to work for yourself, work from home or work from an office with a team. Here are the basics of how to sell life insurance. Whether you are selling commercial insurance, home insurance or other kind of insurance, or selling life insurance, it all starts out the same way.
      I've worked in various components of the selling insurance policy business from working at a worker's compensation insurance provider, being a licensed life insurance agent and even working as a prospect cold caller for a successful insurance broker. So a lot of this is based on my own experience.

      Insurance Sales Agents are Valued Financial Advisors

      Insurance sales agents help their clients make important decisions for their lives and families.
      Insurance sales agents help their clients make important decisions for their lives and families.

      Getting Started: How to Become an Insurance Agent

      Group Insurance Sales

      How to Sell Insurance

      The insurance business allows easy access for those wanting to enter the field as well as many options to advance through continuing training and licensing. In addition, being an insurances sales agent can be a very lucrative and financially rewarding career once you learn how to sell insurance.
      In addition, it's a growing industry where you can make money for years to come. There are even new advancements like life insurance settlement that may make your ventures in this industry that much more productive and fruitful.

      Selling Insurance Income

      In May 2008 the median annual wages of wage and salary insurance sales agents were $45,430. The middle 50 percent earned an annual income of $33,070 - $68,730.
      The bottom 10% had an income of $26,120 or less, while the highest 10% earned more than $113,930.
      The median annual income for insurance sales agents who worked directly for insurance carriers were $48,150. Those who worked for agencies, brokerages and other insurance related businesses made a median annual income of $44,450.
      Once you learn how to sell insurance, many jobs are commission only, especially for entry-level agents. Some are salary plus commission, but usually heavily dependent on commissions by nature. Because of the competitive nature of this industry, usually the commission structure is very generous.

      Benefits of Insurance Sales

      Insurance allows many people to work for themselves and those who are good at it make pretty good money. Selling insurance affords you the ability to have your own business.
      You can choose to just focus in on a specific type of insurance policy like life insurance, as many people do, and other decide to provide the full gambit of insurance from life insurance to worker's compensation to auto insurance.
      The great thing about wanting to sell insurance policies is that you can, just like any business, begin with a bread and butter line, like life insurance, and slowly expand your line of insurance products, thereby levering the relationships and customers you already have in your book of insurance business.
      Professional insurance agents are viewed more as financial advisers than salesmen. They help people hedge against risk exposure, just like a hedge fund financial adviser helps businesses hedge against risk buy selling commodity futures. Speaking of which, many insurance agents also sell financial products like stock, bonds, commodities, annuities, retirement plans in addition to selling insurance policies.
      Another advantage to selling insurance policies is that you can start part time. Even if you have a full time job, you can start in the evenings scheduling appointments and meeting with people. Insurance is a good low risk way to get into the selling or get into the insurance business.

      Life insurance companies

      Purchasing life insurance is a responsible decision you can make for the financial protection and provision of your family in the event of your death. There are all kinds of life insurance companies that offer such policies. But how do you know which life insurance companies are the best? The best way to get an answer to this question is to do your own research to find out which life insurance companies are better than others.
      There are several ways to do this. First of all you can start by talking with other family members and your friends about which life insurance companies they use. You can then go online and read information about each of these life insurance companies and compare their policies and premiums. You also want a particular attention to the rating that each life insurance company has. Life insurance rating services are independent and life insurance companies that have the highest ratings have been evaluated by these independent financial rating services. They are rated on the financial strength of the life insurance company. The well-known financial rating companies that rate life insurance companies include Best, Fitch, Diamond Bond, and Standard and Poor.
      Life insurance companies can sell two different types of life insurance. One type is a whole life insurance any other type is term life insurance. Term life insurance is typically a life insurance that will expire after a certain period of time or after the individual reaches the age of 70. Whole life insurance does not expire at the age of 70. When shopping for life insurance companies look for ones that offer the kind of life insurance policy that you want. Reliable life insurance companies can help you choose the best kind of life insurance policy for your needs.
      In doing further research on various life insurance companies that you are interested in you can contact your state’s insurance department. They can tell you if the life insurance company is licensed to sell life insurance in your state. It is best to stay with life insurance companies that are licensed to sell insurance in your own state. This way it you ever have a problem your state insurance department can help you.
      Before you buy life insurance from any of the life insurance companies that you have researched, there are a few factors that you should keep in mind. These factors include your monthly budget and need. The agents from the various life insurance companies can help evaluate the different policies and which ones will best suit your needs.
      Selling life insurance is big business these days. The biggest life insurance companies can provide the most affordable policies. Some the most reliable life insurance companies today are Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Occidental Insurance company and American General Insurance Company (AIG). Actually the four biggest life insurance companies are MetLife, AIG, TOIC and Prudential. You want to purchase a life insurance policy through reliable life insurance companies who will be there for your family in the event of your death. Well-known life insurance companies can assure the security that their customers need. Before you buy life insurance from any company make sure you know the name of the life insurance company. You may also be able to find subsidiary life insurance companies of the larger companies that can offer a policy at more portable rates. Just make sure you do a background check on any life insurance company that you are considering purchasing a life insurance policy through. If you are not familiar with the name you may be surprised find out the parent company is one of the larger life insurance companies mentioned above.

      How Much Life Insurance is Enough?

      How Much Life Insurance is Enough?

      Life insurance is a part of good family financial planning. But most individuals are confused and often end up asking the question, "how much life insurance do i need." This article will put an end to this confusion and will brief you about how much life insurance is enough for you. Keep reading…
      How Much Life Insurance is Enough?
      Life insurance is a contract between the insurance company and the insurer, where the insurer agrees to pay a certain sum of money every month or year or quarter (as per the contract terms), and the company in turn pays the insurer's family a lump sum amount of money on the event of the insured individual's death or in case of critical illness.

      Death is the inevitable truth of every individual's life. If your are the breadwinner of your family, and (god forbid) you embrace the bitter truth of life, i.e. death, anytime sooner than later. Phew… The thought itself horrifies you, doesn't it? Your family is no doubt going to miss you. But along with the physical loss, will accompany the financial loss. To keep going and live life as per the same standards as before, will not be easy for your family. To pay off your present debts if any, children's education costs, maintaining the present standard of living, inflation costs, and so on, will have to be taken care of, after you are gone. Life insurance helps restore all this. All your family has to deal with is your physical loss which no one in this world can replace. Everything else will be taken care of, if you have a proper life insurance. Now, if you are an individual with no dependents, you might be able to do away with life insurance, but if others depend on your income, life insurance is a good idea to replace your earning potential, when you are gone.

      How Much Life Insurance Does a Person Need?

      How much life insurance do you need is very subjective and not easy to answer. It's not some magic number that is derived. A lot of calculations and factors are to be considered while determining how much life insurance do you really need. Listed below are a few factors to be considered while actually calculating how much life insurance is enough for you.

      Factors to be Considered
      • Your present financial standing.
      • Whether or not your spouse is working.
      • Any major expenditure in the near future like buying a new car, an apartment, children's education fees, and so on.
      • Debt to be paid off (if any).
      • Present size of savings of the family.
      • Social benefits, pension benefits, etc., available after death.
      How Much Life Insurance is Enough?
      • Your main goal is to replace your present income, so as to maintain the same lifestyle.
      • Consider your financial situation and ponder upon the factors above.
      • List down the factors to be considered, and also about some big expenditure, if any to be made in the near future.
      • Once you're done with the above working and sure of your short term and long term needs, you will come to a certain figure, you would want to replace it, say yearly. Let's call it A.
      • To A now add all family maintenance expenses like entertainment, utility bills, travel and transportation, etc., on a yearly basis.
      • This figure is going to be something close to your annual salary or slightly more than that, since you consider a lot of other costs as well. Let's call it B.
      • To this figure you ought to add the inflation cost which rises at a pace of around 2% every year. We get C.
      • Now, count all your liquid assets like stocks, bonds, savings, and if you have other assets elsewhere, which can be liquidated. We will call it D.
      • Then reduce all the liquid assets from the figure you have calculated. i.e. (C - D).
      • The figure you arrive at is exactly what you are worth, and has to be replaced.
      • This figure represents the amount of life insurance you must buy.
      To make things simpler, I have a simple formula you could use:

      Long-term needs + short-term needs + inflation cost – resources (that can be liquidated) = how much life insurance you should have.

      It is easy to get a large cover of life insurance, but in reality, you end paying a lot of extra money, and hence, blocking your capital. So, it's important you get just enough insurance cover so as to assure the replacement of your present income. You can also consider a financial planner, who should be able to help you out with exact the amount of life insurance required.

      Life insurance comes in different sizes and boasts of different features, prices and terms. If you need a life insurance, make sure you educate yourself to make the right choice, because you don't want to end up paying more or stuck with inadequate coverage. Choose a policy that is more likely to fulfill all your financial hopes. Last but not the least, please read the offer document carefully before investing!

      By Divya Bichu
      Published: 3/22/2011

      AXA Insurance Revamps its Term Lineup

      AXA Insurance Revamps its Term Lineup

      All the troubles lie on his shoulder by Rana Ossama
      AXA has reduced its rates
      and launched a loan
      insurance program.
      Photo by Rana Ossama
      AXA Insurance reduced its Term Life Insurance rates and launched a new loan insurance program.
      Specifically, it reduced its Term Life Insurance rates in July of 2010, lowering its Term 10 premiums for insured persons age 50 and over.
      (AXA Insurance Revamps its Term Lineup continued...)

      Are Insurers Ripping Off Long Term Care Clients? An HHS Study

      Are Insurers Ripping Off Long Term Care Clients? An HHS Study

      Shaking Hands By Nicola Corboy 1
      Shaking Hands By Nicola Corboy
      Growing older brings you new experience and joys, but also a great deal of potential risks. Becoming dependent on long term care is one of them. We cannot secure our health, but we have insurance to help us with the financial needs associated with ageing. While life insurance mainly serves your family, critical illness and long term care insurance is supposed to cover your own expenses. Critical illness usually pays you a lump sum once you are diagnosed with a serious illness, while long term care insurance pays you a monthly sum that can help you to acquire day care or to pay for an assisted living facility.

      Manulife Financial Is Raising Term 100 Rates

      Manulife Financial Is Raising Term 100 Rates

      Business Graph by Balazs Gal
      Another policy rate
      is on the rise.
      Photo by Balazs Gal
      Manulife Financial is raising it’s Signet Term 100 and Term 100 Family Term rates effective April 23, 2011.
      Term 100 insurance is a hybrid permanent insurance plan that provides fixed premiums and lifetime protection, but does not build a cash value in most cases. Whole life policies on the other hand, provide fixed premiums, lifetime protection and build a cash value. However, initial premiums on whole life policies are much higher.

      Canadian Life Insurance News:

      Empire Life Releases its 2010 Year-End Financial results

      Canadien money by Duckie Monster
      Empire Life Year-End Report
      Photo by Duckie Monster
      Empire Life has released its 2010 year-end financial results.
      “Our 2010 results reflect our steady commitment to growing and supporting our three lines of business, Wealth Management, Employee Benefits and Individual Insurance." said Les Herr, President and Chief Executive Officer. "As we’ve seen again this past year, this diversified balanced approach helps us generate consistent revenue and premium income in all economic and market conditions making our company stronger.”
      Empire Life generated strong sales in 2010:
      * Individual Insurance sales increased 12% from 2009 to $68.1 million.
      * Wealth Management sales increased 2% from 2009 to $1.0 billion.
      * The Employee Benefits product line had sales of $43.0 million and an increase of 20% from 2009.
      The company’s risk-based capital ratio, as measured by Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirements (MCCSR), was 243% at the end of the year, above minimum requirements.

      What is Life insurance?

      What is Life insurance?

      At Farmers®, we know it's difficult to imagine a time when you won't be there to help provide for your family. That's why Farmers has developed a suite of Life insurance products* designed to help answer your Life insurance requirements, at any stage of life. Whether you're a new family, empty nester, business owner, or single parent, Farmers has a Life insurance option to suit your needs and budget. For a personalized assessment of your Life insurance coverage needs, including customized Term Life insurance quotes, contact a Farmers agent. Protecting Your Family:
      By preparing in advance, you'll have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you're protecting your family's financial future. And since Life insurance benefits are generally not taxable at the federal level**, your loved ones can use the benefits to help take care of their living expenses in a variety of ways.
      • Any needs after the time of death, such as final illness expenses, burial costs and estate taxes.
      • Funds for a readjustment period, to finance a move, or to provide time for family members to find a job.
      • Ongoing financial needs, such as monthly bills and expenses, daycare costs, college tuition or retirement.
      Safeguarding Your Business
      If you're a business owner or have business partners, it's important to prepare for the unexpected. Farmers offers several Life insurance products that are designed to help you, as a business owner, to make it possible for your heirs to help pay estate taxes and help sustain the business during a change in management, or to help provide funds in order to execute a buy-sell agreement between partners or stockholders.**
      Contact a Farmers agent to learn more about how Life insurance can benefit you and your loved ones or beneficiaries.
      Products and features may not be available in all states and may vary by state.
      *Life insurance issued by Farmers New World Life Insurance Company, Mercer Island, WA 98040
      **This document is for informational purposes only.  You should consult your attorney, accountant, or tax advisor for legal or tax advice.


      Term Life Insurance

      Now the underlying cost of insurance shown in the above graph must be paid for all types of life insurance.  But because one year term insurance isn’t a well liked product (due to the constant premium increases) the insurance companies smooth out these costs over periods of time or ‘terms’.  Lets say they take the premiums in the above graph for a period of 5 years.  Now rather than charging you the increasing premiums every year, instead they charge you the average premium over that 5 year term.  You pay the same total costs, but now your premiums are level for 5 years.  At the end of 5 years, your premiums increase and the company charges you the average premium over the next 5 year time period.  The costs are the same, but now you’re premiums are level for 5 year increments.  This type of insurance is called 5 year term.

      If the company takes those underlying costs that increase every year and averages them out over 10 years (so your premiums are now level for 10 years), that is called 10 year term insurance.
      And that’s term life insurance in a nutshell.  Rather than paying the direct cost every year, your premiums are smoothed out or averaged over terms.  10 year term insurance, 20 year term insurance and 30 year term insurance are all common life insurance products in Canada today.

      Life Insurance

      Being there means helping you protect your family’s future.

      Life exists between the hours of the workweek. Most importantly, it exists in the eyes of sons and daughters and those you hold close – those forever expecting your safe return home.
      Life insurance from State Farm gives you the opportunity to protect your family’s dreams, ambitions, and finances should an unexpected death occur.

      With life insurance from State Farm, you can help your family:

      • Keep the ability to pay the home mortgage.
      • Maintain their current standard of living.
      • Pay off debts, estate taxes, and final expenses.
      • Create a fund for college education.
      • Create a fund for a family member with special needs.
      • Protect your family’s dreams for the future.
      Take a moment to talk about life insurance. Then, speak with a State Farm agent to help ensure you have the coverage you need and the protection your family deserves.

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